
The following is a list of the books by Philip José Farmer. Many of the books have been printed repeatedly in paperback but we have not listed each printing unless it has new cover art or is by a different publisher. Many of Farmer's books are collections of short stories, these can be found on the Story Collections Page.

We love small press publishers here, and do all we can to support them. So throughout the website you may find links directing you to their website where you can order a new copy of a PJF book directly from them. In other cases you might find a link that says "Buy from" If you follow these links and purchase the book, we will get a small percentage of the purchase which goes towards covering our costs. Thank you for helping to support this site.

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The Adventure of the Peerless Peer


Riverworld War: The Supressed Fiction of Philip José Farmer


The Dark Heart of Time: A Tarzan Novel