Paperback / 1987
Uncorrected Proof
Book two of the Dayworld series. Daybreaker Jefferson Caird has been captured by the government but before they can brainwash him he escapes. This begins a government crackdown on daybreakers and now they are all on the run.
Paperback / 1987
Uncorrected Proof
Hardcover / 1987
First Printing
Cover Artist: Don Ivan Punchatz
Hardcover / 1987
Cover Artist: Don Ivan Punchatz
Paperback / 1988
Cover Artist: Don Ivan Punchatz
Hardcover / 1988
First British Printing
Cover Artist: Chris Foss
Trade Paperback / 1988
Cover Artist: Chris Foss
Paperback / 1989
Cover Artist: Chris Foss
Ebook / 2017
Cover Artist: Unknown